Attendance for w/c 6th January 2025
EYFS 99.5%
CLASS 1 100%
CLASS 2 97%
CLASS 3 96.4%
CLASS 4 94.9%
Whole school 97.1%
Our school attendance target for this school year is 96% - please help us to meet this target!
We need your help:
- Please avoid time off during term time where ever possible – please do not book holidays during term time, even if just for a long weekend, as this will impact on your child’s attendance and ultimately, their learning.
- We are aware that it can often be difficult to make medical, dentist, optician, etc. appointments outside of school hours but we appreciate your help in trying to arrange non-urgent appointments during the holiday periods or weekends when available.
- Punctuality is also very important in school. If your child arrives late in school between 9.00am and 9.25am – they will receive a ‘late mark’ in the register. If your child arrives after 9.25am after the register has closed without a valid reason (such as attending a medical/dental appointment), this will be classed as an unauthorised absence and will affect your child’s attendance percentage.
Starting soon, we will be celebrating each class’s attendance as a whole – with a weekly chart showing the percentages for the classes for all to see and celebrate.
Next term, we will be celebrating good attendance. Children will receive a certificate and badge at the end of the term, if they have 100% attendance.
From September for the next academic year, children with 100% attendance for 1 term will receive a Bronze Award, those with 2 terms – a Silver Award and those with 100% attendance for the full year will get a Gold Award.
Please CLICK HERE for our Attendance Policy.
Do you know that children who arrive a few minutes late start the day feeling more stressed and do not make a positive start to their learning? They often miss out on key messages and education. It disrupts the education of the rest of the class.
Being late to school has a significant impact on the amount of learning time lost over a school year.
The table gives you an indication of how much time is lost if regularly late.
Minutes late per day |
Number of days over a year |
5 minutes |
3.4 days |
10 minutes |
6.9 days |
15 minutes |
10.3 days |
20 minutes |
13.8 days |
30 minutes |
20.7 days |