Class 3
Welcome to Class 3's Page!
Miss L Fitzpatrick is Class 3's teacher and teaches alongside our wonderful teaching assistants Mrs Wood, Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Mathers in a morning and Miss C Fitzpatrick in the afternoon. They are thrilled to be teaching your wonderful children every day!
We have 39 children in our mixed year three and four class and we work on a two year cycle so that we have lots of variety in our studies. Junior children are split into their individual year groups to be taught the Red Rose Maths Scheme. This year children will be taught maths by Miss Fitzpatrick and Mrs Mathers (HLTA) on a rotation throughout the term.
Working in our mixed year 3 and 4 pairs ensures we have an understanding of each others needs. As a result, we are always eager to demonstrate patience, love and kindness to our peers on a daily basis. We are often reminded that everyone has a strength and learns differently, therefore our chosen Christian value is 'Respect.' We aim to always try our best and nurture our friendships by working together as a Christian family day in day out.
Our Christian Value- RESPECT
Take Delight in Honouring Others
Romans 12:10- Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other.
For our church artwork, we chose to create an owl to represent respect.
Our classroom door: In Class 3 we are 'Blooming with Respect' for each other.
Our Calm Corner
Prayer Table and Reflection Area
In the corner of our room we have a calm corner. Here children are able to: sit quietly, read and write prayers; read for pleasure; look through our RE book; calm down with sensory toys or mindfulness colouring; write a good deed they have witnessed in the 'Kindness Box' or write any concerns they may have in the 'Worry Box'. We read the kindness box every Friday and celebrate the respect we have shown one another. We try to encourage the children to visit the calm corner once a day.
Key Learning Information
'Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge to enrich life's journey.'
End of Year Expectations
End of Year Expectations Year 3
End of Year Expectations Year 4
In Class 3 the children begin to choose their own reading book. Children will be given a band colour and have an option of over a hundred books of varying genres and levels. Unlike the infant classes, children do not have to complete the books in order and we do not expect the whole book to be read in one go/night. Your child has regular access to the reading cupboard and is able to change their book daily if required. Our suggestion is that you aim to read with your children on school evenings and we ask that you sign their reading record accordingly (children are not to sign their own reading record books). We aim to listen to the children read individually or through small guided reading groups once a week
Children across all the juniors receive weekly multiplication and spellings lists to be learnt throughout the week. This is sent out on a Friday and tests are to be completed the following Friday. Additionally, ‘Pick and Mix’ Homework will be sent out at the beginning of every half term. This is equivalent to weekly homework but can be completed at any time that fits in with your weekly schedule. It is always due in after a school holiday.
Outdoor Activities- Here are some activities that you can try at home on top of your Pick and Mix Homework.
Try and complete the activities/collect items on your walk for our prayer table.
Weekly Timetable
PE Day: Friday
Please wear outdoor kit and bring a waterproof jacket.
Wild Wellie Wednesday: Alternative Wednesdays
Please bring wellies and a waterproof jacket.
Ukulele: Monday
Instruments to be brought into school every Monday
Multiplication and spelling assessments to be completed every Friday
Books to be brought into school weekly
Homework Pick and Mix to be sent out at the beginning of each term.
Books to be brought into school after each Half Term
Useful Links
IDL log in:
Your child's log in information is at the front of their spelling book.
Our chosen hymn to support our class value is 'Here I am, to worship.'
We believe this hymn supports our vision to respect God and everything in the wonderful world he has created.
Class Artist
Anna Lewis- Sketchy Muma
We look at Anna's work and unpick what core values her artwork represents. Values such as kindness, compassion, respect, empathy and love. The children will be using her artwork as inspiration to create their own sketches based on living out our school vision day to day.
Copyright: Anna Lewis 2015 Sketchy Muma
Improving our digital literacy skills using google maps -‘Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge’
Acting out Kensuke’s kingdom by the campfire-‘ learning with confidence.’
Some budding scientists taking part in the science roadshow -‘ fulfil our dreams’
Making bird feeders in our new outdoor class room ready for RSPB big garden bird watch-‘valuing the world we share’
Some extremely happy faces after a visit from the Sugar Plum Fairy and her two cheeky elves-‘ enrich life’s journey’
Freeze frames to show how the Shepard’s might have felt to be in the presence of Jesus-‘ Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge to enrich life’s journey.’
December fun-‘ nurturing our friendships’
Geography making settlements‘ working together as a Christian family’
Raising money for -‘ Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge to enrich life’s journey.’
Welcome to Narnia- ‘Working together a a Christian family to achieve our best’
Remembrance Day , Lest we forget -‘ Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge’
Seasonal sketching Wellie Wednesday- ‘valuing the world we share’
Therapy dog cuddles -‘ enrich life’s journey’
Visiting Accrington Stanley’s WHAM stadium-1-‘ Enrich life’s journey.’
Concrete and Pictorial Maths- 'Building a firm foundation based on faith and knowledge.’
'‘ Learning with confidence to fulfill our dreams’
Our fantastic shared writing during our fable writing workshop -‘ working together as a Christian family to achieve our best’
Acting out Fables in English - ‘learning with confidence.’
Harvest Activity - 'We learn to connect with God through valuing the world we share.'
Concrete and Pictorial Maths- 'Working together as a Christian family to achieve our best.'
Music with Mr Galea- 'Learning with confidence to fulfil our dreams. '
A big hello to Class 3 April 2020
I would first of all like to say a big hello to you and your parents. My name is Miss Fitzpatrick, and when the world returns to normal (which I am hoping is really soon) I am going to be your new teacher. I am really excited to meet you all again and for us to have lots of fun learning together in Class Three!
Here is a little photo so you know what I look like :)
Children, I know you have lots of activities to be keeping you busy but the most important thing you need to be doing at this time is to be looking after yourselves. You are going to go down in History (how cool is that?) as the children who had to FREEZE their learning and stay indoors. When you are old enough to tell the tale, you will be able to talk about all the extra time you got to spend learning new things at home. So please, as well as completing the work in your home learning packs, do play outside, watch your favourite TV program, learn a new skill, make something, dance, play and find time to do something fun! If you like, you can send me an email with all the lovely things that you are doing on top of your home learning. (I love cake so I am learning how to cook lots of yummy treats!)
Parents, I know you may be worried about your child's progress and attainment during this time. Please be mindful that every child in the world's education has been put on hold, currently no child is ahead and no child is behind. Each child is exactly where they need to be- at home with you.
Just manage what you can and know we are working through this really difficult time together.
Stay safe and see you soon
Miss Fitzpatrick