Our recent recording session with Praise along... we performed 'For He is Risen.'
subject leadership
Marco Galea - Music leader
Mrs K Weemes - Music link Governor
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.
Music is planned from EYFS to year 6 and skills and knowledge are carefully sequenced to show progress. This is further enhanced through the new “Model Music Curriculum” section now open to school since upgrading the SLA.
Full documentation of the Lancashire framework and our school curriculum are shown below. Our curriculum is bespoke to Simonstone, and allows for progression to Key Stage 3. The extra opportunities for performance and composing is also documented. At Simonstone we believe music is accessible for all children and empowers them to show their creativity and character. Extra curricular opportunities are provided. these include:
- Choir - The Simonstone Singers
- Ukulele lessons - Class 3
- Guitar lessons - Mr Hacking
- Song recording - working with local music producers
- Performance - End of Key Stage 2 performance and Key stage 1 Chridstmas music production
- Our annual talent show